Participation program
Miskolc, Debrecen, Szeged and Pécs - four important Hungarian cities, full of life, civic successes and serious local challenges. Three of our member organisations, Dialogue Association (Miskolc), Alternative Communities Association (Debrecen) and Power of Humanity Foundation (Pécs), together with Motivation Association (Szeged), founded the Aspektus group to help people, groups and organisations who want to do something for their communities.
And the reason is: it's cool to get involved!
Members of the Aspektus group are doing their best to provide the knowledge necessary for meaningful participation. With the support of Civilisation, they hold events in these four cities, presenting known good practices and teaching participatory methodologies to local organisations.
After a three-day training, participants will have the opportunity to put their ideas into practice: they will be able to pitch their own ideas to turn what they have learned into tangible results and success stories that strengthen local communities.