Programmes for active communities 2021 - Szeged
The 31st Thealter Festival programme includes the Karavan Theatre's production of Cool, which deals with institutional bullying, vulnerability and power games. The performance was followed by a discussion with the creators. The programme was organised by the MASZK Association and the Power of Art Foundation.
The Civilisation Coalition 2020-2021 has contributed to the revitalisation of local civil society through a number of projects: members have organised film screenings and talks on grassroots activism, community garden parties and cultural performances for young people, roundtable discussions on ways to tackle fake news on social media, a series of human rights programmes for the public, and conferences, workshops and training for CSOs.
The programmes took place in Pécs, Kaposvár, Szekszárd, Szeged and Debrecen and were supported by the Sigrid Rausing Trust.