Events for active communities 2020 - Szeged
In the pictures you can see the students of the Motivation workshop in the theatrical educational performance of the Káva Cultural Workshop entitled The Secret Door, the concert of August Clown in the community garden party and the participants of the earthworm composting workshop, as well as some moments of the performance entitled Gypsy Hungarian. The programs were organized by the MASZK Association and the With the Power of Humanity Foundation.
During 2020, the Civilization coalition contributed to the revitalization of Hungarian civic life in many ways: its members organized film screenings and discussions about local activism, held community garden parties and cultural performances for young people, roundtable discussions focused on the possibilities of tackling fake news on social media, a series of human rights programs were organized, and conferences, workshops and trainings were provided to CSOs.
The programs were implemented in Pécs, Kaposvár, Szekszárd, Szeged and Debrecen and were supported by the Sigrid Rausing Trust.
Photo: Ács Péter, Révész Róbert